Saturday, March 01, 2014

Year 2, Term 2 Exam: Homeschool exams and tests for second grade

Here are our recent exams. We include some fun things in the afternoons and work diligently and purposefully on the handful of questions that I ask in the mornings. I thought I'd share them with you!

Year 2, Term 2 Exam

Science: Drama, Movement, and Change with oral expression
(presentation: Defend, Persuade, judge, compare/contrast, inform, narration)

The earth is always in a state of movement. This movement changes the way the sun appears to us, but more than that God created the sun in such a way that every living thing on the earth is impacted by this movement and relationship.

Can you explain the relationship between everything on earth with the sun? Choose a few things on the earth or even the earth itself and explain what changes occur and how the thing is affected.

Bible: The Greater Meaning with Creative Expression
(handicraft, recycled material project, diorama, cooking, land art, or art media: collage, paint, mold, chalk, pencil)

Abraham was called on by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Although the Bible tells us that he greatly loved his son, he was willing to do so. God is all-knowing. He knew that He would provide an alternative sacrifice for Abraham and that Abraham would choose to be obedient. What conclusions can you draw about why this story has been preserved for us?

Create something that is a reminder to us of Abraham’s faithfulness and God’s compassion.

Literature: Characterization with movement
(play, puppet show, music, dance)

There are some interesting characters in Wind in the Willows. Some of them are faithful friends, some lovingly protective, and others brazenly bold. Choose one of the characters and use movement to express things about them like…What do they think? How do they feel? How do they react or act in certain situations or with other characters? How do they influence the people around them?

Nature Study & Science: Background with oral expression
(presentation: Defend, Persuade, judge, compare/contrast, inform, narration)

You’ve read about lots of animals this term, both farm animals and wild animals. Each animal needs certain things in its environment (where it lives) to survive. Choose a few of the animals and tell about their homes.

History & Geography: Viewpoint with visual expression
(diagrams, blow-outs, maps, graphic organizers, chart)

The book, Tree in the Trail, was about people that traveled on the Sante Fe Trail. Some people used the path that passed the tree before it was actually part of the Sante Fe Trail, but everyone had an opinion about the tree. Think about different people that saw the tree. What did they/he/she think about it and why do you think they thought that? Fill in the chart.

What they Thought About the Tree

Bible, Literature, Composer, Artist, and Hymn: Mood with Written Expression
(narration, proposal, persuade, problem/solution, instructions, list)

In Pilgrim’s Progress, there are many times as Christian goes on his way that he finds that he is frightened. Lots of things can make us frightened. A sound can scare us— Tchaikovsky used sound to make certain characters in the ballet Nutcracker sound scary. Sometimes light or lack of light can scare us—Manet made a light colored background and dark colored horses racing toward us in his painting The Races at Longchamp. Sometimes it can be our own thoughts—like when you are alone in the basement.

When Christian was frightened he pulled the scroll from its place and read it. What can you do when you are frightened to feel better? Write out a list of helpful things you can do when you are scared to have peace.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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