Monday, November 18, 2013

Year 5 Term 1 Exam: Homeschool exams and tests for fifth grade

We've been reworking how we are doing exams. We include some fun things in the afternoons and work diligently and purposefully on the handful of questions that I ask in the mornings. I thought I'd share them with you!

Year 5 Term 1 Exam
Literature: View point with analytical expression (game, puzzle, crossword, word search, code)

A view point is the way we look at something. Everyone looks at things differently. Everyone has different feelings, motives, and responses to certain situations.

From the Age of Fable we read about The Graeae, Perseus and Medusa, Perseus and Atlas, The Sea Monster, the wedding feast, The Sphinx, Pegasus and the Chimaera, the Centaurus, the Pygmies, the Gryphon, The Golden Fleece, Medea and Aeson, Meleager, Atalanta, Hercules, Hebe and Ganymede and Theseus. Usually someone was acting in a way that he/she thought was right or justified. Then someone else responded in a way that he/she felt was right or justified.

Using some of these stories as examples, demonstrate how viewpoints can be different even when it is about the same event or circumstance.

Science, Hymn, Folk Song, and History: Background with movement expression (play, puppet show, music, dance, pantomime, video (still, animated, silent, movie)) 

We’ve studied lots of inventions this year: James Watt and the Steam Engine, Robert Fulton & the Invention of the Steamboat, Isaac Newton and his inventions, George Stephenson & the Invention of the Locomotive, Electric Engine and Electricity, The Spinning Machine, Richard Arkwright & the Water Frame, and the flying crafts at the Air and Space Museum.

We’ve listened to the folksong: Let us Sing Together and the hymns: Nothing but the Blood, Jesus, Lover of my Soul, and Grace Tis a Changing Sound.

Every great invention or song has a great story behind it. The background of an invention or song is important to understanding how it was invented or written and why.

Make your own play, puppet show, music, dance, pantomime, video (still, animated, silent) to demonstrate this.

Science: Drama, movement, and change with oral (presentation: Describe, Explain, Defend, Persuade, judge, compare/contrast, inform, interview, narration) 

Some scientists believe that the world as we know it was created by a big bang. A bang that took nothing and made something, but science proves this is untrue again and again. When you take nothing, nothing does nothing, nothing can happen with nothing acting on it. With all experiments there is something that causes a change to occur.

Make an outline for an oral presentation where you defend this idea that something has to act on something else for a change to happen. Use information that you have learned about science in a supermarket. Then explain it.

Nature Study: The greater meaning with creative expression (handicraft, recycled material project, diorama, cooking, land art, or art media: collage, paint, mold, chalk, pencil)

To survive, animals and people rely on many things. There is a special relationship between each animal and person with the world around it. Think about leeches, naiads, water striders, willow trees, blue gill, moss, mussels, our bodies (blood, heart, lungs, digestion, teeth, eyes, brain, nerves), and a coral reef.

Create something that shows the relationship between one of the things we’ve studied and the world in which we live. You may choose how to demonstrate this in any way you wish, but it must be presented beautifully.

Geography: Mood with visual expression visual (diagrams, blow-outs, maps, graphic organizers, chart, poster, pamphlet)

Both Turkey and Israel are Holy Lands. These places are unique and hold a tremendous amount of history. Because of the importance of these places, many people treat the places as sacred.
Choose one of these places and make a chart of what makes them unique. Consider what has happened there the waterways, mountains, hills, deserts, lakes and other things that make it special.

Literature, Artist, Composer, and History: Characterization with written expression (narration, journal entry, letter, persuade, problem/solution, instructions, list, poetry)

Each person has a unique character. We all act, talk, and feel in ways that are unique to us. It is the way God made us, to be special. The Bible says… “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

We can see this mirrored in the characters that we’ve read: Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, Twelfth Night, King Arthur and his court, Merlin, and Morgan le Fay.  We can see it in the people we’ve studied: Joseph Haydn, John Singleton Copley, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, William Harrison, and Tyler, William Carey, David Livingstone, Lewis and Clark, Napoleon, Poplicola, Copley, and Haydn.

Choose one of these people or characters from a pretend story and make a web. Put the name in the middle and 5-7 lines out telling about something he/she said, did, or thought that show his/her character.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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