Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Chalk Pastels of September

We love, love, love doing
chalk pastels.

Here's what we've been doing this month
with some chalk dust...















See, what did I tell you...
we love chalk pastels.

We have to thank Tricia and Nana from
Hodgepodge for the great tutorials!

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

Friday, September 28, 2012

Of the last week in September

This week has held a lot of unexpected
surprises and fun,
oh and some learning too!

Playing Trash

Making Dye for Fabric

Finding Nest Materials

Making a Turtle Terranium

Out for a Hike

Making a Quill Pin

The Butterfly Emerges

Finding a Nest

Rainy Day Cuddles 
And this my friends, is well...
Little Man!

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hurray! It's happened...

This would probably be considered part 2
of the story of the caterpillar surprise.

To recap, one day we were observing a caterpillar,
the next day we were observing a chrysalis.
No planning, just a surprise blessing.

Well, everyday I watched the chrysalis and today...

That totally did not look right.
Yet, I expected a butterfly to be emerging
or at least standing on the stick
that my sweet Ceesa put in the jar.

I was a bit confused,
apparently my brain was not interested
in taking in the new information.
It took me a minute to realize I
needed to look lower in the jar.

What we have here folks is a
Common Buckeye Butterfly.

It should be making its way from our neck of the woods
down to North Carolina to Florida for the summer.

How amazing...
and how beautiful!

We watched this great video of one emerging.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

Joyful Moments: Fairy Pumpkin House

Join us for Joyful Moments linky party
at Little Homeschool Blessings.

This week we've found joy here...

 What brings joy to you and yours? We’d be honored to share in it.
Joyful Moments are at the heart of our homeschool.
We'd love to see the Joyful Moments in your home. Whether you homeschool or not, feel free to join in every Thursday! Then visit the other links and see Joyful Moments from other places! Just add our button and link up in the comments.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Experiment of Fire and Hot Air Balloons

We found a great experiment at
that shows how cold air
is more dense than hot air.

Its the same idea as a
hot air balloon.
The hot air in the balloon
is lifted by cold air rushing in
underneath it.

For the experiment, you'll need a tea bag.

Carefully remove the staple and trim off the holes,
making sure you still have a flat edge.

Set the tea bag up like a cylinder.
We put ours on a fire proof surface.

Light the top and watch closely.

The last remaining bit of the tea bag will shoot up
into the air and finish burning. 

The kiddos loved it!

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Surprise Awaits...

So we happen to have a jar
that we keep on hand for collecting bugs.
The plan is we keep them overnight to identify
them and observe them.

The kids are allowed to collect anything
that will be caught.

Well, Ceesa found a caterpillar.
She picked it up with a stick
and plopped in its jar.

I set to work trying to identify it.
It was black with brown lines on its
back and it had spikes (so to speak),
maybe they'd be called tufts.

Well the first day, I couldn't identify it.
I looked several places, but just
couldn't figure out what it was.

On the next day, I noticed it had
attached itself to the side of the glass
and within an hour
it had turned itself into
a cocoon or chrysalis.

And it looked as if its head
or part of it's body anyway
(some of the spikes)
fell clean off.

Uhh...I wasn't ready for that.

 So now we wait...

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

Friday, September 21, 2012

A Walk-About on a Beautiful Homeschool Afternoon

One of the many blessings
of homeschooling
is enjoying the wonderful weather.

So we decided to take a bit of a walk-about...

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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