Monday, November 19, 2012

Watercolor...Lighthouse, Water, and Mountains

We used the last few weeks to work with watercolors.

Our first project was to paint the lighthouse
that we visited a few weeks before.




Jo-Jo chose to make her lighthouse off-center.
I'm not sure why, but what an interesting affect it makes.

Then we painted scenes with water.




I love Ceesa's cat sitting in the window. We don't have pets because Poppa has terrible allergies that make him absolutely miserable and I think it is so observant of Ceesa to add it.

And finally it was on to a mountain scene.



Ceesa's ocean and mountain scenes were looking through windows. It's like two pictures in one. I'm not sure what the inspiration was for looking through the windows. She has been memorizing Tennyson's poem Early Spring. And tried to capture the last two stanzas in the inside of her mountain picture.

I looked at Jo-Jo's mountain picture for a long time, as you should with good art. My focus was on identifying the blue in the right hand corner. Then it occurred to me. The mountain has ice melt running from spring to ocean. Just like our landscape box we made.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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